Thursday, December 20, 2012

Are pets a good gift?

Is someone asking for a furry friend as a present?  Holidays are a busy time, leaving little extra time or energy for a new pet.   If and when you are really ready for a new pet, please consider the animal shelter and rescue groups. 
Cats and dogs of all sizes, ages, and breeds go through the shelters and rescue groups.  They also can help you determine the best pet for your family and its needs.  Here are some things to look for that can help you find the perfect pet:
Ø  Clear eyes; runny or matted eyes can be symptoms of illness.
Ø  Cheerful disposition
Ø  Likes being handled
Ø  Shows interest in you
Ø  Good reaction to children and other animals

We would be more than happy to do a new pet exam, even if the animal is current on vaccinations.
If you aren’t quite ready to adopt an animal, there are plenty of ways you can help those that are homeless.  You can make a monetary donation to the rescue or shelter.  They also may have a wish list of supplies they need.  If you would like to help in other ways, a few hours of your time volunteering would also be appreciated!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Traveling for the holidays?

Be honest about your pet’s ability to travel.  If your pet is very young or old, is ill, pregnant, or recovering from surgery, it may be better for all concerned to look into a pet sitter or kennel.  There is no need to risk injuring your pet by taking him/her with you.
Ask us about any medical risks for areas you will be visiting, as well as any medications needed for carsickness.  Pets can be separated from their owners while traveling and often collars are not on pets recovered at the shelters.  Seriously consider having your pet microchipped, because facilities nationwide are using scanners that will read these implanted chips.  This allows you to be reunited with your lost pet! 
Make certain that all vaccinations are current and obtain a copy of the records to carry with you, as you may need to board your pet unexpectedly.  Also, if your pet requires emergency medical attention, these will allow this to take place much more quickly.  If your plans include air travel, you need to check with the airline carrier regarding their requirements.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Keeping your Christmas tree standing...

If you have dogs and cats, and have Christmas know the challenge of keeping the pets safe and your tree in its original spot. You can try using clear fishing line to tie the tree to an eye hook in the ceiling, a wall stud or the windowsill so it won't be knocked down. Tying the tree to a heavy piece of furniture works, too. Sometimes stability can be added by attaching the tree stand to a large piece of wood, and then cover the large base with a pretty tree skirt.